Monday, 18 December 2017

Liquidation Sale' the big sign read in red letters. I was in some old furniture factory, unnamed, brandless place. His mom was there, but she took off somewhere and he was now alone, wandering through the fields of old furniture. The rooms were cold and dead as concrete. 'Liquidation' signs held suspended from the walls above. The lights grew dimmer. The funiture grew older, more dusty, and more wondering would take place. His mom would find him later, after the historical triggering had gotten enough time to sink in. City: Courtney? 1998? Possibly 1999. Why were we even here? Why did we go to so many swimming pools that reeked of chlorine? We went to this one called the Austrian Chalet, and it used way too much chlorine. So much that his eyes stung a faded white shade after a $2.00 swim in the facility. There were some artistic murals of sea monsters on the wall, done in colored, chipped tiling. The hot tub and sauna were pretty good. He always got so hungry after a swim. Luckily, this was during the times of gradeschool, pokemon, warhammer, nice friends, and playstation; before the public exposure via low-paying fake jobs became annoying like mosquitoes on steroids. The young, pliable minds of apprehensive placeholder humans (though some were likely genuine) were far less obtuse than the overblown cancer-rage of old bastards who'd been so brainwashed into oblivion that not even a head transplant could save them from the bottomless waste bins of white supremacy.

Exposure to their toxic attitudes in later life would prove to be mentally acidic, especially the bloated fake physics man who stuffed beer cans up chickens at bbq's and waddled around on nuke day throwing bonfires for parasites. It even went so far as to blast dissonance from a 'pool heater' (sand filter) placed strategically close enough to the home to cause maximum annoyance. The purpose of this machine was to trigger bunker memories of manual air filters whose hand crank mechanism would have produced a similar racket. Dungeon master's perfect daughter, family, and other hapless extras took part in the charade, but all were seemingly blind to the pathetic desperation of the whole exercise. Fried chicken's lowest point might have been madly hobbling forward in an attempt to push one down the stairs, only to have his wildly ugly face punched in. But not to be forgotten was the angrily whispering, loudly door and cupboard slamming rage reaction of witnessing a gravity of work be reduced to redundancy, lies, and tricks. Oddly, both incidents resulted in the completion of manual labor projects. In the first case, a stairwell railing had been completed (it resembeled prison bars), and on the second, it loudly, obstinately taped together a cover over an open cubby-hole under the stairwell in a weak attempt to block the (simulated battlefield) smell of putrid sewage seeping through the loose, rusted metal cover into the exact area as one's living space.

Luckily, those days were over, but the junk still lingered in the psyche: chemical imprints of frustration, desperation, and failure clinging to neural micro-tubules of patterns rapidly changing to override their influence. One often noted how old patterns had to be remembered before being overwritten and modified for the benefit of clear consciousness. It was a welcome change, and now new bridges were being formed. It was now funny to remember the stale shaw coffee and awkward peripheral crypto-blacks planted in the workplace to report, no matter how artificial and contrived, predispositions to racial marginalization. Militant shill operations employing zion's scopolomine-induced drones and pseudo-gay fascist techniques had been applied much more freshly to countersignal feminism, but this had little lasting impact, and would soon be relegated to the dustbins of memory.  

Saturday, 16 December 2017

Work started at 9 am but he called on his cheap plastic flip phone (grey) to work and talked to the Angela. She was a horrible human being. 'It's snowing out and the buses are running late' he lied. She muttered in some nasally whine and he hung up. The coat flew up his arms and he drifted down the dusty stairwell in a mental fog that lasted until at least noon. He slipped on some thin, ripped shoes and shuffled out the door. His pants were kept up but an itchy, too-tight belt and they were covered with stains. Outside he waited for the bus and by the time it came his feet were numb from the cold. His headphones blasted death metal into his brain, and all the faces on the bus were a grey smudge. He the trip itself was a slideshow of nonsense. He imagined his coworker Stan, a bloated pervert with thick coke-bottle glasses and a gut that spilled so far over his belt, nearly to his knees, in the printer isle, but instead of printers he was selling guts like his own, large protrusions of human skin hanging from hooks for gut expansion complete with warranties and addons. At the Walmart bus stop he got off the bus and slid into mcdonalds breakfast menu on the wall, ordered fried sludge. Came into work, the crusty stains on his pants and shirt shining magically under the dead fluorescent lamps.
>exhibit A examination protocol activated, secret shoppers equipped with pre-memorized scripts and post-physics unification theory enactments for real life situations initiated***
He broke eye contact with everything and headed straight for the break room to punch into the computer to signal his arrival into the building. The machine docked his pay in 5 minute intervals, totaling 15 minutes to account for the time he'd slept in and bus delay. He looked in the mirror and noticed how the oval flip phone made a slight protrusion in the form of an upraised outline in black on his work pants. Tucked in the red work shirt, forgot to shave. David said that shaved faces were less trustworthy than clean faces. David had a skin condition where he itched it all the time and it flaked and peeled off like red flakes of sand paper. He smoked 2 packs a day. Stan was in the printer isle playing with his mustache and glazing over some kids. Angela approached and the massive bitch face installed on her creased, feverish Israel face. The tight hair parted across her anger lips and she railed on about annoying complaints in that tone of voice where each syllable stabbed into my neurons with a screeching red-alert stress signal to trigger the jesus christ activation sequence. With it came all the tied up laces of judaized disturbance mechanisms that coiled around his brain like browsing cookies or PUP.optional malware fragments. Her words didn't even make sense, they just poked and prodded his psyche like hotknives. Every day was a struggle to remove them, but he drowned in them and was surrounded by their residue. It was 2006 and things were only getting worse. The waves of sleep struck him as he stood there, eyes glazing over at the AS400 inventory system to print out pricing labels on little sheets of perforated paper accounting for all the price changes, hundreds of them, all alternating everywhere on a daily basis to keep the hapless consumer spending wrecklessly. First customers of the day dragged their bodies through the welcome doors, slid open and poured through, greeted by horse girl (cashier – blonde). The breakfast burrito sludge began to process and digest like tumbleweeds through a trash compactor and he felt his stomach wretch with gas and discomfort. 20 minutes later of shitting out diarrhea in the public bathroom and all the price change labels were ready to distribute in the tight plastic displays under the dust covered obsolete products like printers, projectors, boxes of toner and other miscellaneous junk lost and reshuffled in the fields of corporate decay.

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Anal isys of 'Subject A' Update 109299.

Multiethnicity hostility triggering mechanism: complete failure. Subject continues to show reason and understanding towards diverse ethnicities, further deriding our theory of extreme ethnocentrism. Subject demonstrated affinity for multi-ethnic musics such as 'hip-hop' and also shows an interest in female-fronted musical talents, a further setback to our white male supremacy M-theoretical homogenization of ambedextrousness. For the multiverse to exist in our frame of M-power, degradation of secondary gender (or suppression... redundancy?) must be paramount. We feel that with enough triggering of deeply seated programming and cultural conditioning, comparing latent sexual interests with destructive influences, and micro'anal'ization of social microtransactions, we can completely disestablish any notion of gender parity in favour of dominance and suppression. Multiple fronts of propaganda and over-indulgence of fetishistic extremism to the point of physical and mental decay, irrespective of our cognitive bias and projections, is clearly what's being alluded to in all circumstances, and so we've programmed this magnetic signature into portable wave-cascade generators to be placed in backpacks of pedestrian stand-ins and extras appearing to walk small dogs on tight leads, strategically placed to coincide with subject outings and public appearances. Vehicular activity is to be in sync with subject projected path of travel, ensuring to apply ample pressure to gas when vicinity is near, as to distribute additional air pollution to secure the objective of triggering illnesses and hopefully cancer. But the goal is to not actually inflict cancer, but to trigger in the subject his hypochondriac nature of permanent, disabling illnesses as to coincide with buried messiah complex and this action will be supplemented in an expansion pack to backpacked extras as a Jesus projection simulator to magnetically project peripheral interference in the form of quantum mechanical static generators. The effect on the subjects heart should effect some deep notion of divine influence to defy all evidences of science and reason. Subject already experiences frequent ringing in ears, and placements of subject in furnace rooms and submarine innard-like sets have proven useful to us in establishing a concrete base of historical selective triggering (HST) but the veganism never caught on. Our plant kate failed to adapt subject to vegan tendencies, even through dinner meetings at vegan restraunts and frequent conversations regarding the subject of vegan food and veganism, and all further pursuits of this nature have been abandoned in light of more pressing circumstances. We can never abandon the prospect of supressed homosexuality, and more of our attention will be diverted to this psychological deconstruction. Placeholder humans have been heavy dutily brainwash programmed in scopolomine tanks and indoctrinated with fool-proof scripts to unearth this ultimate demonstration of M hegemony, although subject has shown little to no interest in this area outside of common friendship and loyal camaraderie, there is still room to speculate endlessly, irregardless of our cognitive bias and DOF projections.

Sunday, 26 November 2017

Word Stream 1

He remembered nights with dark Gothic buildings, busy people, old wax candles melting down to their holders in the small hours of the morning – up all night watching movies. The skies were damp and gray. Everyone seemed spirited and lifted on so many ideas of the future. Like children building the best future in their heads and turning it into the physical with their minds. The movies were simple, but we laughed, ate, and drank. We wanted to know what it was like at the front. It always felt like I wanted to be there, in the action. Here was too safe and away from the important changes, even though it was where the changes to push were made. Still, to imagine the new equipment, and relative ease of encounters... to get the heart racing again in the thrill of battle where your life could be gone in an instant. Death was always a sobering thought. If it came, it came, and it just happened. That was it. No deep contemplation, no fear, just a slice of reality to leave behind. Who wanted to live thinking of death? Not while we can build, think, be together, and make dreams for the future. One wished even to skip sleep. Imagining with all the threats removed, and everywhere a safe zone of no violence. All guns, tanks, planes, having served their purpose, now shown with honor, restored by hobbyists and military buffs. Veterans, safe, happy, liberators, heroes all. Spending their days outside coffee shops chasing young waitresses. Cities full of life. Clean designs, big, open roads, but not too many cars.

The candles melted down to their stubs. The room was gothically dark, lit only by slips of pre-dawn gray and tiny flickering flames. It would be light out soon, and the rain was spare. It was supposed to be an overcast day, and for some reason it felt comforting to exist in the natural wrappings of cloud density. It was like operating with cold efficiency, guarded, protected by an unseen force. A voice and force he could hear, and was more potent on overcast days. It was all a game, one he would win. It wasn't even a question of wanting to be smarter, better, 'more right', or for even the sake of winning. Those feelings charged a different sense of self. This one was more of a completionist sense. It needed to be complete. It would be complete. Everywhere, everything was pushing to some grand sense of completeness where all the parts connected and light was shone in the cobwebs to make way for something everyone wanted to build and feel to continue building and feeling in the way that kept the completeness advancing. To build one stone atop another to start, then to add windows and doors, a roof, some furniture, a welcome mat... it all felt a lot less like competition and more like home construction. All the projects and plans were visualized, set to paper, and filed into the bullet-proof pipes. The old tensions were far from flaring. The confidence in the future was so bright that all the quarrels of the past melted away. What would it take for them to see this, overseas? If they could only feel what it was we wanted to accomplish. There would be no enemies. No reason to draw up arms against one another, and they could see that in the end, even in the near future, we would do far better to work in teams away from the cancer eating their hearts. It was a health sickness at its root. Felt like playing doctor. Doctor of a nation? What could be the oath? Everyone, nobody needs care what I do or say, but for the sake of your own life, can you feel what it's like to live openly, without the flames of revenge nipping away at all corners? We could sweep it away to learn and grow, make a city with big gardens right in the streets. Forests on rooftops.. why has nobody done this? Free cinemas for the children. What was the film we watched last night? It was some muffled projector film. We drank some beer and laughed a lot. Until our bellies hurt. We too many tablets and got all screwed up. But I don't really like sleep. Some times it's better to carry on through the night, and in the morning all the essential work gets tackled with decisive, feverish efficiency... then when the noon time starts to weigh in people's minds who seek leisure, I can sneak away for a recharge nap. Then wake up fresh! With all the rush of the morning having had a time to decompress, rather than it getting squished out by evening letters. Much of the time the work was automatic, repetitive, and devoid of any creative input. Administrative nonsense. Desk clerk hell. Lost in webs of pencils, papers, forms, pen & ink & scribbles & stamps. Up front. Outside. Fresh air... this is where life happened. Even so, a tether to responsibility and organization was needed. It was another sort of game. And it was important to keep a mental inventory of the scenario. The numbers would sit there like blocks gliding across open land, encountering other blocks and planning... plotting, outmaneuvering, men shouting and tanks rolling, unstoppable. The mental map was supplemented with facts and figures... even faces, decals, insignia, ranks, equipment, supplies, convoy routes, meeting locations, checkpoints, bridges, railways, mountains, natural terrain, cities, towns, places where resistance had been met and battles had been waged. Small skirmishes, reports of enemy activity, scouts, snipers, wildlife... weather conditions. The trucks needed to keep rolling. Convoy routes to provide the right supplies. I felt a personal anxiety over the necessity of supply trucks arriving at the right place at the right time. The feeling of new supplies when the days are long and grim is more than just a morale boost... it is essential to win the fight. It was only going to get harder and harder and the lines pushed further and deeper. Speed! The time to waste months blowing each other and the earth to mush needed to be put to an end... the lives were too important to waste on stalemates and blowing through ammo like candies... and they knew this and were smart about this, well, most were. I'd rather be out there driving supply trucks. Could I put on a disguise? Would they notice? At least to see their faces at the front. See the lines, the conditions, it's hard to make a call so far away. How long by truck? A few hours? Surely. But the lingering dread flared up... there is too much to do... here they would lose there minds. We are a team, some of us more so, and we act in kind. No decision is made by any one, and we all have a say, even the unfavorable. It is a game of strategy that no single mind can ever win. We put our minds on the front, our feet in their shoes, and play it out as if our lives were on the line. We see it in the maps on the board, it shows in their faces when we talk war, some light up, others become enlivened with stories. We all think of it as a deadly game of chance. Flashbacks come quickly, and our thoughts strike up into a zone of action that takes on a consciousness of its own. For long moments we lose touch with our material selves, marching forward and onward in memories of battle. It's as if we never left. It was as if our former selves were issuing commands from the past, using our present bodies as vessels of blood and impulse. Sometimes hours would pass in this mode. After the plans were laid, we would enjoy the sunset and the night. Confidence sky-high. Men would smoke, think, write notes, and gaze out at the sky until long after the sun had set. The women, busy but happy, would rest their selves with their men, always smiling, laughing, playful to release the day's work in a stream of joy. All the smiles and warmth came at the cost of wishing the same for the fronts. How lonely and sullen it gets for some, but many learn to find even greater joys in the things they would have previously never imagined. And with the speed, the rush, the future beating down the doors, we would all be home soon enough to put the fire in our hearts deep within the wellspring of creativity and change.

Thursday, 16 November 2017

Quantum Spring

When it comes to successful theories to explain the behavior of matter, quantum mechanics stands alone. It was developed in the 1920s by Erwin Schrödinger, Werner Heisenberg, Wolfgang Pauli, Paul Dirac, and many others. The practical implication of this theory is that it allows us to understand atoms, molecules, nuclei, and solids. Technologies directly resulting from the development of quantum mechanics include scanning tunneling microscopes, nanoscale machines, and quantum computers.

In 1926, Schrödinger developed the wave equation. When mathematically explaining a quantum system, one must take the solution related to the behavior of this system and apply certain boundary conditions to it. This tells us the allowed 'wavefunctions' and energy levels in the system. Reworking a wavefunction provides one with all the measurable characteristics of that system.

{Maxwell also used a wave equation to describe electromagnetic radiation (electromagnetic waves). Schrodinger showed us how atoms and molecules can also be expressed in terms of waves (wave function).}

The Schrödinger equation provides the most complete description that can be given to a physical system. It's wavefunction (or state vector) describes possible points in space which are mapped by complex numbers called probability amplitudes. In a nutshell, these amplitudes are the values of wavefunctions. By squaring the absolute value of these complex numbers (|ψ(x)|^2 ), we can determine the probability density (or probability distribution) of momentary states of matter, telling us where things are and how they are interacting. Heisenberg’s matrix mechanics are derived from Schrödinger's wavefunctions.

The actual equation (or a 1-dimensional, time-independent variation of it), given mass m confined to moving along the x-axis and interacting with its environment through a potential energy function u(x), is written:

Eψ=-(hbar^2/2m)[(d^2ψ)/dx^2:] + Uψ (hbar^2 = Plank's constant)

Time-dependent Schrödinger equations describe systems evolving with time, whereas time-independent describe stationary states. These equations can take on several different forms, depending on the physical situation. The equation doesn't break the principle of conservation of mechanical energy of a system. In fact, the first term in the above-mentioned Schrödinger equation reduces to the kinetic energy of the particle multiplied by the wave function, indicating that the total energy of a system is K + U = E = constant. Where total energy (E) is the sum of the kinetic energy (K) and the potential energy (U) - and the total energy is constant.


Erwin Schrödinger had unconventional relationships with women. His American colleagues at Princeton were offended by the Austrian's 2 wives.

Schrödinger was an only child, and his mom was a chemistry professor. He died of tuberculosis in 1961. Upon realizing how fundamentally unintuitive quantum mechanics is, he is said to have proclaimed 'Verdammte Quantumspringerei!' (This damn quantum jumping!)

Derivation of TISE

Sunday, 12 November 2017

Vitellogenin is a precursor protein of egg yolk

Winter was coming. A mood of stale grimness descended on Bubbas Castle. Flygirl and Ma were at a loss, and BB himself was lost in broken parallax of indecision. The firing pathways of Bbs neural networks had plasticized into dead-ends and spiraling loops of biblical salvation and fake news. WhiteVille scrambled to scrape together gritty kernels of projection-spears to fuel their perpetual state of ceaseless resentment, and with their eyes glued to Sonics social media, it became clear that the minions needed to push longer and clench harder than ever to before. Recently, it became evident to the minions that 11-dimensional scarring in quantum mechanical sand-castle formation triggered from cell memory of Operation Asshole in Starvingrad. They clinged on tight in an attempt to drill the scarring into a deeper state of dissonance, hoping to destabilize the configuration into an crackling energy fracture to sever His activation energy and maintain the indefatigable lifelessness of the eternal E8 Pre-Universe system... but, like always, the WAAAGs failed to realize that neither they nor their dark machinations held sovereignty over Cosmic Vitellogenesis: the sacred electrochemical formation of all symmetrical scaffolding responsible for our origins . 

In aggitation, Team Uranus drove around in shodden vehicles of faded reds and whites coated in months of dried mud and smoke tailing around in whirlwinds to d&c Sonic's though process into nightmares of Soviet terror tanks and Stalin's genocidal mania.They screeched around Whitetopia, planning carefully their departure to coincide with Sonic's gps'd location pinpointed using decaying mercury tracer implants in his teeth. Their smart-phone powered heart monitoring apps were conditioned to ping rises in instability, leading to fragmentation of the magnetic field around Sonic's heart. Ma, BB, and flygirl took off the night before, meeting after meeting, sifting and scouring for deeper and deeper kernels of unflushed detritus to further 'democratize' the situation. Starving Sonic out had been about as effective as the holodomor. The posts about starving families and children would normally be demoralizing and effective against any sympathetic entity, but luckily the minions were hopped up on selecive estrogen receptor modulators to inhibit all functions of emotion, guilt or sympathy. They were one step away from cracking Sonic's anti-Jesus mechanism, and with this revelation would to be achieved the ultimate uninstillation of all vaginal sorcery.   


Hauptmann Bodo Spranz, the highest scoring Stug Commander with 76 kills and winner of the Oak Leaves. Batterie chef with Sturmgeschutz-Brigade 237.

Served during the Invasion of Poland, Battle of France, Operation Barbarossa, Battle of Smolensk and the Battle of Halbe....
Upon successful completion of his training, he was assigned to Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 185 as a Zugführer with the Heeresgruppe Nord on the Eastern Front. On 30 September 1941, he was transferred to Schweinfurt as a
Batterieoffizier with the Sturmgeschütz Ersatz- und Ausbildungsabteilung 200.

He was once again serving on the Eastern Front between 15 January 1942 and 13 January 1943 as a Zugführer and later Batteriechef with Sturmgeschützabteilung 185 and on 1 April 1942 he was promoted to Oberleutnant.

For a short time he returned to the Sturmgeschütz Ersatz- und Ausbildungsabteilung 200 at Schweinfurt but transferred back to the Eastern Front on 2 June 1943 as a Batteriechef with Sturmgeschütz-Brigade 237.

As a consequence of being decorated with the Knights Cross and the Oak Leaves,
both on 3 October 1943, he received a promotion to Hauptmann. He served with
the Sturmgeschütz-Brigade 237 until 2 April 1944, after which time he was
assigned as Hörsaalleiter with the Sturmgeschütz-schule at Magdeburg.

From the beginning of 1945 until the end of the war, Bodo Spranz was assigned as an Ordonnanzoffizier with the Chef Generalstab des Heeres, General Oberst Heinz Guderian, with the 29. Panzergrenadier-Division in
Italy and finally with Army Commander General Wenck in Berlin. He was captured by the Americans on 6-7 May 1945, trying to escape Soviet captivity and transferred to a British POW camp until his release.

Here is a list of the top Sturmgeschütz Stug commanders:
Spranz, Bodo - 76 kills (Stug.Abt. 185 , Stug.Abt. 237)
Primozic, Hugo – 68 kills (Stug.Abt. 667)
Brandner, Josef ("Sepp") - 66 Kills (Stug.Brig. 912 and 202)
Sauer, Konrad - 65 kills (Stug.Abt. 209 , Stug.Brig. 393)
Timpe, Heinz - 59 kills (Stug.Brig. 300 (Feld))
Rohrbacher, Josef - 56 kills (Stug.Brig. 245)
Witte, Albert - 56 kills (He.-Stug.Brig. 394)
Kochanowski, Johann - 55 kills (Stug.Abt. 201)
Engelmann, Richard - 54 kills (Stug.Brig. 912)
Arnold, Friedrich - 51 kills (Stug.Abt. 201 and 237)
Fiebig, Walter - 50+ kills (Stug.Brig. 301)
Adamowitsch, Felix - 50 kills (Stug.Abt./Brig. 904)
Spielmann, Johann (Johannes) - 48 kills (Stug.Abt. 197, Stug.Abt./Brig. 202)
Zillmann, Erich - 48 kills (Stug.Abt./Brig. 245)
Höper, Ahrend - 47 kills (Stug.Brig 202)
Lutz, Waldemar - 47 kills (Stug.Abt. 245)
Ohler, Kurt - 47 kills (Stug.Abt. 270 , Pz.Jg.Abt. 152 / 1. Skijäger-Brig./Div.)
Deutsch, Heinz – 46 Kills (Fsch.Stug.Brig. 12)
Przedwojewski, Felix ("Sched") - 45 kills (2./SS-Stug.Abt. 3 / 3. SS-Pz.Div. "Totenkopf")
Bose, Georg - 44 kills (Stug.Abt. 300 and 177)
Amann, Herbert - 42 kills (Stug.Abt. 905)
Amling, Fritz - 42+ kills (Stug.Abt. 202)
Oberloskamp, Walther – 40+ kills (Stug.Abt. 667)
Scharf, Heinz - 40+ kills (Stug.Brig. 202)
Wegener, Paul - 40+ kills (Stug.Abt. 237)
Schwalb, Helmut - 40 kills (Stug.Abt./Brig. 190)
Tornau, Gottfried - 40 kills (Stug.Abt. 184 , He.-Stu.Art.Brig 911/Führer-Gren.Div.)
Tadje, Fritz - 39 kills (Stug.Abt. 190)
Angel, Otto - 38 kills (Pz.Jagd.Abt. 6)
Baurmann, Heinz - 38 kills (Stug.Abt. 667, Stug.Brig. 322, He.-Stu.Art.Brig. 300 (Feld))
Henke, Fritz (Friedrich) - 38 kills (SS-Stug.Abt. 1 / 1. SS-Pz.Div. "LSSAH")
Laubmeier, Ludwig - 38 kills (Stug.Brig. 191)
Paul, Roland - 37 kills (Stug.Abt. "Das Reich" / SS-Pz.Gren.Div. "Das Reich")
Schramm, Richard - 37 kills (Stug.Abt./Brig. 202)
Malachowski, Wilhelm von - 35+ kills (Stug.Abt. 189 and 228)
Brandt, Gerhard - 35 kills (Stug.Brig. 202)
Krämer, Richard - 35 kills (Stug.Brig. 232)
Serck, Julius - 32 kills (Stug.Brig. 300 (Feld))
Kirchner, Kurt - 30+ kills (Stug.Bttr./Abt. 667)
Stier, Gottwald - 30+ kills (Stug.Abt./Brig. 667)
Trägner, Josef – 30+ kills (Stug.Abt. 667)
Pfreundtner, Karl - 30 kills (Stug.Abt. 244)
Bausch, Dr. jur. Albert - 29 kills (Stug.Abt. 226 and 286)
Buhr, Martin - 29 kills (Stug.Abt. 202)
Schließmann, Kurt - 29 kills (Stug.Abt. 226 , Stug.Brig. 286)
Bostell, Wolfgang von - 28 kills (Stug.Abt. 1023 i.d. Pz.Jg.Abt. 23 / 23. ID and Pz.Jg.Abt. 205 / 205. ID)
Alex, Ernst - 27 kills (Stug.Abt. 243)
Ertel, Reinhold - 27 kills (Stug.Abt. 276)
Schwarzenbacher, Josef - 25+ kills (Stug.Brig. 912)
Dath, Friedrich - 25 kills (Stug.Brig. 286)
Truxa, Rolf [von Santa Truxa, genannt Truxa] - 25 kills (Stug.Abt. 190)
Banze, Karl-Heinrich – 24 Kills (Stug.Abt. 244)
Angelmaier, Heinz - 23 kills (Stug.Brig. 203 and 279)
Chrzonsz (Carsten), Günter - 23 kills (Stug.Abt. 277)
Metzger, Eugen - 23 kills (Stug.Abt. 203)
Rade, Hans-Dietrich – 23 kills (Stug.Abt. 244)
Wagner, Klaus – 22 kills (Stug.Abt. 667)
Zitzen, Kurt - 22 kills (Stug.Abt. 177)
Sowada, Bernhard - 21+ kills (Stug.Abt. 237)
Naumann, Horst - 21 kills (Stug.Abt. 184)
Nippes, Kurt - 17 kills (Stug.Abt. 276)
Engel, Heinrich - 25 kills (Stug.Abt. 259)
Berg, Karl-Erich - 12+ kills (Stug.Abt. 191)
Bertram, Ludwig - 12+ kills (Stug.Brig. 237)
Feldkamp, Heinrich - 12 kills (Stug.Brig. 341)
Regeniter, Alfred – 10 kills (Stug.Brig. 267)

Jagdpanzer IV (Sd.Kfz. 162)
Roy, Rudolf - 36 kills (SS-Pz.Jg.Abt. 12 / 12. SS-Pz.Div. "HJ")

Panzerjäger (Sd.Kfz. 164) "Nashorn"
Ernst, Albert - 55 kills (s.Pz.Jg.Abt. 519 [Nashorn] and 512 [Jagdtiger])

"Ferdinand" (Sd.Kfz. 184)
Teriete, Heinrich – 22 kills (s.Pz.Jg.Abt. 653)
Kretschmer, Franz – 21 kills (s.Pz.Jg.Abt. 653)

Jagdpanzer 38 "Hetzer"
Dallmeier, Josef - 50 kills (Pz.Jg.Kp. 1183 / 6. VGD)

Friday, 10 November 2017

lying sack of poo upstairs was basking in the sublime presence of his drosophila-spliced daughter. BigB sputtered out nasally, awkwardly-toned laughs of tight anxiety, unaware of any situation to deter his psychosis of reality. 'Yes daddy. I love you daddy' said dsd. The sheen of self-gratification curled in the corners of bbs chili-crusted mouth. Bb was morally superior in every way.
'You're a stupid asshole,' he said to sonic. That would show him to back-talk in God's house.
'It's my fucking house,' bb retorted on night, triggered by music without headphones. Bb was always right, because the mind of god is just perfect like his insectoid daughter. She was a work in progress to prove to the world the superior of hybrids. Bb believed hybrids were superior to electric vehicles as well, though he failed terribly to convince anyone of this in a debate with sonic. Bb never actually won debates, but if getting all pissy and triggered counted towards victory, Bb was a champ. Just like the mushroom shapes in bsbs neurons. Victory spread in excitatory signals in all states, amplified by the medical artistry of controlled stimulant drugs. The future was so bright, that bb believed that no justification was needed to signal the reasoning behind his ways. bb never needed to communicate to anyone his true intentions or beliefs about nature. It just existed in bbs head and nobody should ever question it, like a universal axiom of eternal significance. Wa.
Big bubba sat at his computer, face long and mushy gut sagging merrily past his waistline. Sonic just wouldn't crack... but BigB wasn't going to give up that easily. He'd just returned from another meeting with the man, the third one this week. They'd become increasingly more frequent. Sonic's condition was starting to get unmanageable. Even Sonic's Ma was beginning to doubt the validity of the experimentation which yielded little more than a conclusion that Sonic was a normal human being reacting accordingly to a worryingly irritating situation. Biblical prophecies and mystery mathematics aside, it was beginning to appear as though an entire fleet of programmers, handlers, psychologists, and mathemagicians couldn't crack the change their eyes were naturally unable to observe. Sonic's sight was a signal they couldn't detect, but instead of accepting reality for what it is, they sought to assiduously warp their misunderstanding into a fictitious prophecy of salvation and supremacy. For decades they had tried every imaginable formula, psychological prediction, and structured, scripted approach to quantify an unquantifiable quantum mechanical effect of nature that could not be understood by those whose minds had settled on a nature that precluded its existence. It was as if a motionless wave in a box required the outside assistance of an unseen force to give it change, but every change hence given was met with the opposite of joy, as the change had not produced what existed to give the wave the energy of what it was that existed outside of the box to initiate the change in the first place. The energy of hadronization for a configuration of matter recombination is what was pestered for, demanded for, financialized for and violently revolutionized for, but it was an energy that was 13.8 billion years too late to be possible.
Big bubba drawled lazily into his cellphone. Bubbas voice lacked it's usual nasal-plugged deep creepiness, and instead carried a audible limp, almost as if the unbearable weight of tightly concealed shame and guilt was beginning to rip through the concrete fortifications of conceit that had been reinforced by decades of obfuscation, indoctrination, and catatonic repetition. Bubbas theories of life and the universe were in a state of slow burn, melting legs attached to tables that had only ever existed in a transitional states destined to collapse. The slow, steady realization of this collapse made it exceedingly difficult to concoct deeper and deeper lies to conceal the fact that you were wrong all along. This ignorance led to a slow spiral into self-destruction, beginning with the externalization of all negative tendencies projected at all those around Him. This unfair association of blame, bitchyness, and complaining provided temporary relief from the ever increasing penetrations of dark annihilation that Hitler Jesus would soon provide a holy pathway of healing to protect from. This pathway would lead the way home, to the miracle land of instant gratification and everlasting love. The symmetry of 0. No vaginas, no inconsistencies. 100% perfection. What's meant to be will be proven by any means necessary.
Big bubba has awoken. He natters and annoys upstairs in the kitchen, clanging together plates and cups, lids and silverware. He is trying to trigger me. Bubba knows all my triggers and realized that by activating my triggers, he's pinging sore spots in my heart to activate my annoyance engine. These annoyance triggeres are artificially programmed to justify the wrong ideas of M-Theory, because they recreate the conditions necessary to act out that scene in blade runner in the rain. Adherence to this final scene in blade runner is necessary to prove M-Theory, and all of this rests on my shoulders. The closer we can act out this blade runner scene, the more likely it is that the theory is true. Hence, the annoyances must be a consistent barrage like water. The Art of War says that, so bubba must copy it to the letter to ensure that enough annoyances of a watery nature reach my ears and trigger my heart into M-Theory justification scenarios. It plays out like this on a daily basis. Bubba believes that by making grunting noises, he's indicating to me that higgs mechanism is a waste procedure, and his grunting simulates fecal discharge. If bubba does this enough times, and makes these sphinctoral expulsion noises with enough frequency, it will eventually break down my Jesus Christ aversion shield, and I will at once realize the heresy of my ways and lead You back home to mars (where jesus was actually born) and you will find compressed Raptor Jesus matter under the martian surface to use as M-Theory gasoline fuel for a solar Empire that will stretch eventually to the entire galaxy, and we will build a trillion-ton dyson negation sphere around every mass congregation of dark matter to block the effects of steel rain, and you will live forever using gene splices of raptor jesus matter recombination after mars has been fully colonized and lived in for at least 500 years. Then, using the power of M-Theory, you will build new marses all over the solar system, and earth will even get replaced by a Mars planet. Then you will build mass civilizations to test M-Theory flaws and whenever you find a flaw you will nuke it from orbit and start all over again, forever until the universe expands into heat death and you can live in a hot sea-bath of quark-gluon plasma for eternity (on mars).  

Monday, 6 November 2017

New Update to ToE (100%)

Now see, the theory of everything goes something like this. You got my nigga Frank Steel over there, who is very obese. He got that from eating extra dimensions, so when he got fat enough, the flow got plugged, and his asshole inverted straight away, turning into M-Theory's VEV (Higgs Mechanism)... But it's called Wilson Lines (the guy in the fence from Home Improvement – HI-Theory). Now Frank's asshole sucked up all the known mass in the Universe, including his own, and got jettisoned back out all over the cosmos – rectal prolapse theory – and that's how we are alive today. It sounds far fetched, but we used to think women existed. They are a story book for demons only, and they were all annihilated in the super flood of global reset because they weren't as rich as god. The end.  

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Sunday August 21, 2011

“It’s Leon,” a man said, so I looked up. He was clad in a full length, white trench-coat which was so long and tattered that it scraped across the cold, wet concrete behind his feet. The coat had accumulated various dark stains which were mostly light brown in colo-u-r, though other smudges and blemishes, which were altogether darker than the aforementioned brown stains, could be observed upon other areas of his person.

“Who’s Leon?” I tried to say, but my words barely croaked out of my dry throat. Despite this, he still heard me, which lead me to immediately assume that he wasn’t a meatbag like me, but an android of some kind. They were common, especially in certain areas of commercial sales and business..

“Well, hello there! I’m Leon, and have I got a deal for you!” It explained. Its voice seemed altogether convincing, so I nodded my head, which was customary to show that I wanted the droid to go away. “Oh, you needn’t do that, sir, I am not a droid, but a human being, like yourself,” it said, seeming to respond to my thoughts.

“Oh, well that’s a surprise,” I replied. For no real reason, I told Leon a story. “This bench upon which I now sit isn’t all that much, but I built it about six years ago, when I was working for this publicly owned manufacturing business, and it took me several weeks to design the blueprints necessary for its construction.” Leon gazed on, appearing remotely attentive. I continued. “The ergonomics are unbeatable, but unfortunately, head office had to stop making this particular style bench, because newer, cheaper models were coming in from overseas. This one was just too big, too cumbersome, and too expensive to keep producing, so they then had to let me go, I guess, but who am I to complain? I don’t make the rules anyhow,” I finished. Leon had a glazed look in his eye.
“Yes, I do like a good bench,” he responded, “but I also like a good bed, and good furniture overall, and I like cheap furniture, the cheaper the better, cheap-cheap-cheap. I love to save money, as I’m sure you do!” Leon laughed.

“Well then, with money being such a matter of import, can there be much else to prioritize above it?”

“No, money runs everything.”
“But Leon,” I replied, in a slightly concerned voice, “how is it that your whole existence could revolve around the acquisition of material profit? Do you care not for other such things in this world, such as green plants and blue skies?”
“Well, I do like the colour green!” he joked, laughing quite loudly and happily afterward. His laugh kind of unnerved me for some reason. It sort of grated my brain sideways, and kind of sunk into my imagination, shooting spikes of frustration though the neural matrices responsible for processing such emotions. But who was I to judge?

Then Leon got really serious all of a sudden. “I don’t make all the rules, I guess,” he said sharply, “but some of my friends do. We’re a network of hard workers and our work is never complete, which is why I am so dedicated to spreading their fine products to you fine citizens!”

This conversation was starting to creep me out a bit.

Then Leon began to get all philosophical on me. “Things are different now, you see, things are much more real. We have concrete now, and we have seas of steel. We have waves of new sound and huge factories to make everything run, and everything is as it should be. Where the old ways plummet the new ways rise, and that is the way of things, the natural way. There is nothing wrong with this because that’s how it’s meant to be. Tomorrow is predestined, nothing can stop progress.”

“I see,” I said apprehensively, “that makes a lot of sense.” Realizing my sarcasm, Leon became defensive, and pointed at me in a conspicuous way.

“You’re an observer,” he stated flatly, “a temporary bystander of events. Watch as they all pass by in a neat and orderly way, through and through.”
Feeling a bit edgy, I thought I’d play along.

“You know what Leon, I like furniture too,” I replied after a moment. “I’ve got a fair amount of it in my apartment, but maybe I should just buy more. Without the proper number of chairs to sit on, or a comfortable bed to sleep on, or proper tables to place various items of interest on, I might as well be living on the street, and while I’m no scientist of any special variety, since the only thing I managed to attain in life was the mass construction of several ergonomic styles of bench, I can tell that human beings were not meant to exist in the wild. We were mostly predestined to be the way we are today, I am happy here, and I love this bench and this city with its concrete seas and steel waves.”
“Well now, it’s only the truth, isn’t it?” the droid replied with a hint of self-importance. I realized I was talking to a dr-u-id, despite the fact that it claimed not to be, which was actually against the old Law, but the old Law didn’t apply anymore. The new system was much better and more efficient than the old system anyway, and it saved everyone money in the long run. But anyways I could tell he was a droid by the small silver bar code lining on the left side of his nose. “So anyway, I have this splendid furniture of the most splendorous variety here on my Uphone. Would you perhaps be interested in viewing some of the many objects of finery which I am selling on this beautiful pre-dawn morning, where the sun usually rises in an even orange band of splendid bright light right behind me but won’t this morning due to this wretched overcast?”
“I don’t need any new furniture.” I said.
“What? But of course you do. Everyone does. Everyone needs more of everything, that’s how it works. If it didn’t work like that then things would be how they are, and if things weren’t how they are then they most certainly wouldn’t be going where they’re headed now, which is towards something much more beautiful and magnificent than ever before imagined!” The droid pointed out across the darkened horizon, which was now lined with several thick layers of dense particle refuse ejected from the manufactorium district. It was OK though. People wore filtration masks to avoid respiratory illness.

Since the skies were a bit too gray and a bit too dark for comfort, a network of dull streetlights, which were connected to high volume power sectors close to the commercial sector, had been activated, basking the city in unnatural yellow light. The people liked it though, because life was not as convenient without it.
“Sure, I do need more furniture.” I replied. “Can’t get enough in fact.”
“Glad to hear it!” the droid beamed, and several minutes later I was buying a bunch of junk that I didn’t really need. However, I could always use more furniture, because furniture purchases made me feel like a more complete person, which in turn boosted my overall mood, and made me feel more connected with the world around me. When I was finished, the droid nodded and backed away. He then stopped smiling and returned to his designated patrol path, his over-sized white trench coat trailing tragically behind him as he went. It was an odd sight, and just before he was too far from view, I looked out over the horizon, and I could see the orange bands of brilliant sunlight shining across the small gap between the highway barriers.

If it had been quiet, I might have better appreciated the sight, and if the ejected refuse wasn’t swirling around at rooftop level in a dim brownish haze, I might have felt a little less nauseous. Things would get better though, as they always did. Tomorrow was going to be a brighter day with less conflict, more people and buildings and cars and things to make the world a better place, because the more the better, and there could never really be enough, just ass Leon promised.

Great Gatsby Passages

  1. p.8 [near top; approx. 16 line] “Only Gatsby, the man who gives his name... and short winded elations of men.”

The narrator of Great Gatsby, Nick Carraway, describes Gatsby’s personality as “everything for which I have an unaffected scorn.” However, he considers Gatsby to be exempt from this scorn, and he explains that “there was something gorgeous about him.” It is as though under normal circumstances he would dislike Gatsby, but there’s something about him for which he has great respect. He later explains that the only thing wrong with Gatsby is that some force (“the foul dust in the wake of his dreams”) preyed on him, making him somewhat vulnerable.

  1. p56 [middle; approx 8 lines] “The caterwauling horns… formal gesture of farewell.”

As a lavish party carries on through the night in a carefree and reckless way, Gatsby, the host, stands alone, observing from afar on the balcony.  Nick states that “a sudden emptiness seemed to flow… endowing with complete isolation the figure of the host.” This demonstrates that there is some kind of lonely void in Gatsby’s life, something that he can’t seem to satisfy or fulfill with his lavish parties. He holds “his hand up in a formal gesture of farewell,” almost as if he’s inclined to detach himself by waving goodbye. Actions such as this develop a certain troubled and mysterious nature in Gatsby’s character, which is opposite of the seemingly wonderful qualities that he’s claimed to possess. It is also possible that Gatsby’s withdraw form the party atmosphere indicates that he thinks it’s all an illusion, it doesn’t seem real. It’s all just some elaborate show that has no real meaning or sustenance.

  1. p.56 [near bottom] – p.59 [end of chapter] “Reading over what I have written so far... I am one of the few honest people I have ever known.”

Nick relates his experiences of living in New York City, which he refers to as having a “racy, adventurous feel of it at night.” He explains that he’s had a casual affair on the side from a girl in Jersey City, and that he often strolls outside at night pretending to go home with certain “romantic women.” However, there seems to be an underlying darkness to his observation when he explains “At the enchanted metropolitan twilight I felt a haunting loneliness…” He explains that he notices this feeling in others as well, and he feels a sinking in his heart. Perhaps it is as though he’s beginning to feel similar to Gatsby in the fact that there’s a certain illusionary quality to his surroundings preventing him from experiencing some form of realness or substance, which has lead to his sadness.

He then explains his relationship with Jordon Baker, who’s described as “incurably dishonest.” She appears to be a selfish character as well, but Nick shows great affection for her vitality and liveliness. He says that “I thought I loved her,” which might support the fact that he’s attracted to Jordan for the wrong reasons. Perhaps Nick is trying to force himself to love something about her, but he knows he can’t truly have her in the end. Nick also explains that “I am one of the few honest people that I have ever known.” Whether or not this is true can be disputed, but what’s ironic is the fact that he’s attracted to Jordan even though she’s dishonest.

  1. p.90 [near top; approx. 11 lines] “If it wasn't for the mist... enchanted objects had diminished by one.”

This passage examines Gatsby’s relationship with Daisy regarding the green light. Gatsby explains to Daisy, “You always have a green light that burns all night at the end of your dock,” and it is as though Gatsby has come to enchant this object. He has symbolized it to represent Daisy, but since she’s beside him now “his count of enchanted objects had diminished by one.” It is possible that he no longer considers the green light to be an enchanted representation of his desire for Daisy. Perhaps this is a self-realization by Gatsby about how he’d built up this fantasy image of Daisy, only to discover that the significance of the green light, and therefore Daisy, had vanished.

  1. p.92 [near bottom] – p.93 [end of chapter] “As I went over to say good-bye... leaving them there together.”

It is clear to Nick that Gatsby has idealized Daisy to a potential that she cannot attain.  Gatsby’s expectations of her go far beyond the person she actually is. This is not her fault, Nick explains, but “because of the colossal vitality of his [Gatsby’s] illusion. It had gone beyond her, beyond everything.” Gatsby has placed her on a pedestal with which she doesn’t belong, and now it seems that Gatsby realizes this. However, this doesn’t prevent them from desiring each other, and they regard Nick as though he doesn’t exist so they can be together.

  1. p.105 [near middle] – p.107 [end of chapter] “I stayed late that night... was uncommunicable forever.”

Gatsby explains to Nick that Daisy didn’t like his party, and that “she didn’t have a good time.” It seems that Gatsby is so preoccupied with the notion that he can never provide Daisy with the dream life he has envisioned, and that his representation of her is simply that, a dream. He desires for everything to be dream-like perfection, but it seems that there’s some part of him that realizes this can’t occur. Gatsby even states that “I feel far from her… It’s hard to make her understand.” This distance was created by Gatsby’s illusionary construction of an ideal life that can never be attained, and he is beginning to realize it.

      Nick relates the story of a romantic encounter between Gatsby and Daisy, which happened 5 years prior. It is described as a perfect moment, and it is most likely integral to the dream Gatsby has developed in his perception of Daisy. He wants things to be how they were, 5 years ago on that autumn night, and all his efforts have been directed at recovering this fantasy-like past.

  1. p.115 [top; approx. 8 lines] “She's got an indiscreet voice... the golden girl...”

In what seems like a comparison with Daisy’s voice to material wealth, Gatsby remarks that it’s “full of money.” From this statement it is logical to suggest that Gatsby’s illusions of Daisy include the idea that she represents some form of ethereal wealth. In Gatsby’s mind she is money, a material object to be obtained. Gatsby has concluded that all things in life are purchasable, and he wants to buy his dream world with immense wealth. Daisy represents that in a way, which makes him desire her even more.

  1. p.122 [near bottom] – p. 126 [near bottom] “Gatsby's foot beat a short... “You loved me too?” he repeated.”

At this point the conflict between Gatsby and Tom over Daisy’s love turns into a big argument. In an effort to insult Gatsby, Tom asks about his Oxford days, but Gatsby replies that he wasn’t there for five months. Tom opens the confrontation by stating “what kind of row are you trying to cause in my house anyhow?” Tom also refers to Gatsby as “Mr. Nobody from Nowhere,” and he compares Gatsby’s perceived lack of good social qualities with his disdain of intermarriage between black and white. Gatsby opens up with “Your wife doesn’t love you,” and he encourages Daisy to admit this. It appears that the problems of both characters are presented in this argument. Gatsby fight to reclaim his fantasy like past is hurting Daisy, and Tom’s apparent sexism and hypocrisy causes more problems between all of them. 

Gatsby’s ultimate goal is to get Daisy to admit that she loves him only, and that she never loved Tom. She does admit that she loves Gatsby, but it appears that she only says this to satisfy him rather than mean it truthfully. While it is true that feelings do exist between them, she also explains that she did love Tom. Daisy says that “I loved you too.” The significance of this is that Gatsby can only accept the idea that Daisy has only ever loved him, and not Tom, so this causes him problems. The fact that she loved both of them is a blow to his fantasy.

  1. p.129 [near middle; approx. 17 lines] “I was thirty. Before me stretched... toward death through the cooling twilight.”

Nick describes his sorrow at the fact that he has to confront a “menacing road of a new decade.” It is almost as if his enthusiasm had died along with Gatsby’s dream, and now he feels as though he has nothing to look forward to. However, he looks to Jordan as a possible sign of happiness, “her wan face fell lazily against my coat’s shoulder and the formidable stroke of thirty died away…” This hints at the idea that Nick and Jordan may form a relationship. He explains how they “drove on toward death through the cooling twilight,” which might be an indication that he’s coming to terms with his age and the assuredness that death is as impending and formidable as life itself. It could also be true that Nick recognizes that there’s a fast approaching downfall of society, and it’s growing out of the east. This probably troubles him, and he might feel that eventually the whole country will degenerate into the immoral mess he witnessed in New York.

  1. p.139 [top] “So I walked away and left... nothing.”

This passage emphasizes the idea that Gatsby’s dream really is dead. Just as he’d observed Gatsby alone in the moonlight at his parties, he observes the same thing, except he knows that Gatsby truly is seeing nothing because his dream is gone. However, since the car accident just happened, the reader gets the idea that Gatsby is trying to protect Daisy. We know that he already took the blame for the accident, but when he says “I want to wait here till Daisy goes to bed,” the impression is that he’s presiding over her to ensure her safety because he believes that Tom will hurt her. This could show that he still has feelings for her, despite the loss of his dream.

  1. p.14 [near top] – p.142 [near bottom] “She was the first 'nice' girl... proud above the hot struggles of the poor.”

Nick relates Gatsby’s reasons for desiring Daisy in this passage. Nick goes to explain that Gatsby was attracted to the wealth, vitality, and social status that Daisy represented. She represented the American dream to Gatsby, and he wanted nothing more than to attain that. The war caused Gatsby to leave so she married Tom instead of waiting for him, and from then on Gatsby devoted himself towards amassing a fortune to reclaim her. (con’d)

Many men loved Daisy, which “increased her value in his eyes.” Jay was a “penniless young man” when he met Daisy, and he basically considered her to be the American dream. Daisy had everything; security, wealth, social status, and the promise of a better tomorrow. She lived a rich and full life according to Gatsby. She’s seen as being above all the turmoil and hardship of the less-fortunate, and he held her above them as a prize to be won.

  1. p.145 [near top] “Suddenly he came out with.... it was just personal.”

The fact that Gatsby can regard his situation with Daisy as “just personal” goes to show how deeply affected he really is. His involvement with Daisy has clearly changed his entire life, and for him to consider it unimportant or trivial goes to show that there are many problems in his mind he’s unwilling to confront. He just passes it off, just as his dream has passed on. He’s probably lost in his mind, grief-stricken beyond description, and can’t confront the fact that his dream has crashed so badly.

  1. p.164 [near top] – p.165 [near top] “Then he returned the wallet and pulled... to copy down the list for my own use.”

This passage explains how dedicated Gatsby was towards self-improvement. Henry, his father, shows Nick the schedule Gatsby made when he was a child, which proves that he was an extreme dedicated person from a young age. His father seems very sad and distraught, and he looks at Nick as if he expects him to copy down the list for his own use, which shows that he took great pride in Gatsby’s ability to manage himself.  It also shows that Gatsby was obsessed with perfecting himself, and basically managed his life like a business. This leaves no room for error, and probably gave him the expectation that he could get whatever he wanted. The downside to this is when he didn’t get what he wanted, the American dream represented by Daisy’s true love, despite the enormous lengths he went to get her, it most likely caused him great anguish.

  1. p.171 [near middle] – p.172 [to the end of the novel] “Most of the big shore places... ceaselessly into the past.”

As nick wonders around Gatsby’s empty mansion, he walks onto the beach when the moon is rising. He thinks about the dream of explorers in search America is similar to Gatsby in search of his dream life with Daisy. He relates the green, wondrous land of the explorers to the “green light at the end of Daisy’s dock,” and he says that “his dream must have seemed so close that he could hardly grasp it.” The sad truth is that dream was already over for Gatsby, but he kept on trying to grasp it anyway. He never lost sight of his dream, even if he realized that it was impossible and would lead to his downfall in pursuit of it.

Nick also explains that despite our relentless drive to attain our dreams, the journey towards them will always lead us back into our past. Gatsby did not have a past that he was proud to reveal, so perhaps the fact that he denied that part of himself prevented him from ultimately claiming his dream. His concept of the American dream was also impossible, because he made Daisy out to be something she wasn’t. Whether or not this was deliberate is unsure, but it’s possible that Gatsby believed in a dream that could never come true.

Great Gatsby Questions.

  1. Characterize the social interaction of the east egg Village elite as described on p. 15-22.

Miss Baker regards West Egg contemptuously, which shows that the East and West Egg denizens appear to be at odds. The East Eggers appear to have an elegant, graceful quality about them, signifying that they are wealthy and socially proper. They drink expensive wine, possess nice things, and dress nicely. There’s no immediacy or particular rush to their conversations, and they seem quite happy with things. They also seemed very concerned with the state of civilization. Tom explains that “Civilization is going to pieces,” relating how a book he read explains that the white race will be submerged by other races. There is a tone of racism in his words, but Daisy regards it playfully and there is no indication that they’re hateful. They are connected people as well, and have many contacts throughout the city. Miss Baker is a also competitive golfer.

They are described in very ornate and flowery language. Everyone seems to regard the situation with a kind of feelings of curiosity, excitement, and boredom, almost like children. There’s lightness to every conversation and they read things like the Saturday Evening Post, which goes to show that they like to keep up to date on current events. It turns out that the West Egg represents the ‘new rich’, and the East Egg represents the ‘old rich.’ It seems that the East Egg families look down on the lifestyles of the West Egg people.

  1. At this point in the novel, what do you think is the significance of the “valley of ashes?” (p.26)

The valley of ashes is described as a desolate area of land half-way between West Egg and New York. It’s “a fantastic farm where ashes grow like wheat into ridges and hills and grotesque gardens,” and is further described as being a very bleak place. I believe that this area, being a rundown part of town between the rich places, represents the poor and sad population. While the wealthy pursue more wealth and a lavish lifestyle, the poor suffer to support them in the valley of ashes.

The eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg, represented on some kind of billboard, seem to observe this land. They eyes are described as being “one yard high. They look out of no face, but, instead, from a pair of enormous yellow spectacles…” Since his eyes are worn away, and it’s explained that “some wild wag of an oculist set them there to fatten his practice… and then sank down himself into eternal blindness,” it could be argued that a theme of blindness could arise from the fact that people are blind to the blatant social decay around them, which continues to get worse. Eckleburg seems to observe the social decay of this “solemn dumping ground.”

  1. Compare and contrast Myrtle's party to the earlier gathering of the East Egg Village elite?

Myrtle’s living space is described as small and crowded, with “a set of tapestried furniture entirely too large for it.” Right away you can tell that’s there is no elegance to this place, unlike the East Egg areas. There are no formalities or introduction of the quests. A bottle of hard liquor is opened immediately. Myrtle reads things like The Town Tattle, presumably a trashy gossip magazine, and Simon Called Peter, which Nick refers to as “terrible stuff.” The people who attend Myrtle’s party are in no way aesthetically pleasing. Catherine, Myrtle’s sister, is described as being gaudy in appearance with eye-brows plucked at a ‘rakish’ angle, a powdered milky face, and “innumerable pottery bracelets.” Nick also thought that she “looked around so possessively at the furniture that I wondered if she lived there.” This observation suggests that Catherine, and probably others she associates with are completely materialistic. While it is true that the East Eggers are rich and materialistic, they don’t seem as possessive or gaudy in appearance. Their style is more soft and elegant.

            Mr. McKee is described as a “pale, feminine man… [with] a white spot of lather on his cheekbone.” His wife is “shrill, languid, handsome, and horrible.” Clearly these are people uninterested in maintaining appearances that East Eggers would consider presentable. Mrs. McKee explains that her husband “a hundred and twenty-seven times since they had been married.” She seems determined to boast about herself to someone she barely knows, which would indicate that she’s self-absorbed. This is different from the East Eggers, who seemed to take pride in, and be somewhat subtle about their endeavours.

            Myrtle’s personality seems to change as she puts on a more elaborate dress. She seems to get more egotistical and flamboyant, threatening to overtake the room with her “noisy, creaking pivot…” She also speaks in a “high, mincing shout.” When given a compliment, she downplays it as nothing, and she also kisses her dog “with ecstasy,” which seems highly inappropriate. She carries herself as though she’s the centre of attention in every room of the house.

            The conversations between the guests at Myrtle’s party seem to revolve around gossip, money, boasting, and status. They also seem impulsive, loud, interrupting, and obscene. The opposite can be said for the East Eggers who are calm, curious, and polite. Myrtle’s group also doesn’t use correct grammar, “If I was them…” and they lie frequently, “I was a little shocked at the elaborateness of the lie.”

            At one point Tom breaks Myrtle’s nose over an argument about using Daisy’s name. Clearly these violent tendencies demonstrate a lack of morality at this party.

  1. Describe Gatsby's party (p. 41-46) and discuss in relation to the two earlier gatherings from #1 and #3.

Gatsby has the most lavish, expensive, gaudy, and exciting parties of all. He uses his Rolls-Royce as an omnibus to pick people up from the city and they party all through the night. It appears that massive amounts of consumable goods go into his parties as well. An orchestra plays and there are all kinds of new styles and enthusiastic conversations between people who don’t know each other. Many people who show up weren’t even invited as Nick observes, “People were not invited – they went there.” While at the party, they “conducted themselves according to the rules of behaviour associated with an amusement park.” There are no morals or rules, people simply act however they please.

Nick notices that there are all kinds of hungry looking Englishmen mulling about trying to conduct business among the Americans there because they are “agonizingly aware of the easy money…” There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with conducting business at Gatsby’s party, even though it seems a little strange to Nick.

Nick meets Jordan and they both seem a little uneasy at the party, almost as if they don’t belong there. Jordan is confronted by two girls in yellow dresses who immediately say “Sorry you didn’t win,” in reference to the golf tournament that Jordan lost. This seems rather rude, and it appears that there is a complete lack of social grace with many of Gatsby’s guests. One of the girls in yellow states that “I never care what I do, so I always have a good time,” which goes to show that there’s little emphasis on self-control at these parties, and she then explains how a dress Gatsby gave her cost “Two hundred and sixty-five dollars.” Clearly she, similar to the people at Myrtle’s party, is concerned mostly with owning things of high value, and is not afraid to boast about it. The conversations between them and the people around revolve around gossip relating to Gatsby, similar to the gossip that had occurred at Myrtles. All of this is opposite of the East Eggers, who seem to prefer conversations that deal with less scandalous affairs.

It is as though the influence of West Egg is smothering that of East Egg with its rudeness and lack of social class. At the start of the party people have enthusiastic conversations and seem to be enjoying themselves. However, as the party progresses it seems to degenerate into irreverent banter, gossip, and the same types of morals exhibited at Myrtle’s party. It is clear that in a mishmash of classes, the West Egg’s influence can only prevail by bringing East Egg down to its level of vulgarity.

  1. In your opinion, why does Fitzgerald insert the section about the man in Gatsby's library (p. 46-47)?

            Some drunk, middle-aged man to whom Nick refers to as ‘Owl Eyes’ seems bewildered at the fact that Gatsby’s books are real, “Absolutely real – have pages and everything.” He seemingly can’t believe the fact that Gatsby’s library is legitimate, and it is possible that this ties in with the fact that Gatsby himself is largely unknown. To believe that his books aren’t real would suggest that Owl Eyes doesn’t believe that Gatsby’s life is real, and that it’s just some elaborate show like the parties he hosts. He hints at the idea that Gatsby’s life is some big lie, and just as if his life would be ruined if the lie was uncovered, “if one brick was removed the whole library was liable to collapse.”

  1. How does Fitzgerald create an aura of mystery around Gatsby on p.49-50

Gatsby approaches and converses Nick without presenting himself immediately, and Nick is surprised to find out it’s him. Gatsby smiles at him and it “was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance.” Nick goes on to describe how Gatsby’s smile is something mystical about it, as if he know exactly who you were and how to understand you. He then says “I’d got a strong impression that he was picking his words with care.” This shows that there’s something slightly uneasy about Gatsby, as if he’s constructed some elaborate persona. Gatsby soon leaves to take a call, leaving Nick and Jordan alone in amazement. His mystery is emphasized by the fact that they don’t know who he is, “He’s just a man named Gatsby.” Jordan postulates that she doesn’t even think Gatsby went to Yale, so she feels that there’s something not quite right about him. Nick finds it strange for Gatsby to just “drift coolly out of nowhere and buy a palace on Long Island Sound.” Fitzgerald has used all of this speculation to develop a mysterious aura around Gatsby.

  1. Describe how Fitzgerald arranges/constructs Gatsby and Daisy's first encounter since 1917. What is unique or intriguing about the way he conveys this encounter to the reader? Why does he do it this way?

Gatsby is introduced through the perspective of Jordan Baker at this time, which is unique because Nick has been the only narrator so far. She explains that Daisy was sitting in a car with a young officer, Gatsby. An interesting thing is that she doesn’t recognize Gatsby in Long Island after not seeing him since 1917, 4 years ago. She explains how when Gatsby went to war Daisy married Tom Buchanan.

Jordan finds Daisy drunk on her night before her wedding, saying that she wants to return the necklace and that she’s changed her mind. She begins to cry, which worries Jordan, but she marries Tom anyway. Shortly after and Jordan makes the observation that “I’d never seen a girl so mad about her husband.” This shows a major shift in her perception of him, and how she truly does love him and has perhaps forgot about Gatsby. However, years later when she sees Gatsby and informs Daisy about it, Daisy merely says that he was “a man she used to know.” The intriguing thing about this is that Daisy seems to have forgotten all about Gatsby, or is trying to hide the fact that she knew him at all. Perhaps this is to hide her feelings for him since she married Tom and broke her promise to wait for Gatsby.

  1. Which of Gatsby's personality traits are reinforced when he takes Daisy on a tour of his house? What do we learn about Daisy's character? p.87-89

Gatsby very uneasily emphasizes the splendour of his home, and how proud he is of it, “My house looks well, doesn’t it? he demanded.” He demands respect for his earnings, but it seems to trouble him in a way, because the reader knows that he really did all of this to win Daisy’s affection rather than build it all up for himself. He seems to be lying when Nick confronts him about the fact that he says he earned his money to pay for the arched doors and square towers, but he was told that Gatsby inherited his money, “I think he hardly knew what he was saying.” Daisy seems curious and excited about Gatsby’s place, though she wonders how he deals with being alone. He boasts about how he keeps it full of celebrated people who do interesting things.

Gatsby’s so enamoured with the effect his belongings have on Daisy, that he “revaluated everything in his house according to the measure of response if drew from her well-loved eyes.” This shows that he’s simply trying to win her over by the things he owns. He’s also described as being “consumed with wonder at her presence.”  When Gatsby shows Daisy his shirts, she seems to be overwhelmed by them, and she cries, saying that “I’ve never seen such – such beautiful shirts before.” Perhaps this is an indication that Gatsby has rekindled some form of materialism in Daisy that she’d forgotten in his absence. The fact that she’s having a strong emotional response to material objects supports this idea, and clearly this is Gatsby’s intent because he wants her to love him.  

  1. Explain the “Trimalchio” reference on p.108

As if to see through his egotism and lies, Nick compares Gatsby to Trimalchio who was a character in the Roman novel The Satyricon by Petronius. Trimalchio (a Semitic name) was an egotistic ‘Freedman’ who held elaborate dinner parties and demonstrated his wealth to his guests, which is almost a mirror image of Gatsby. By stating that “his career as Trimalchio was over,” Nick is referring to the fact that Gatsby’s party has ended, and that it’s time for him to confront reality. In the Roman novel Trimalchio is said to have boasted about how elaborate his funeral will be, and his guests re-enact his funeral at one of his dinner parties. This reference probably foreshadows Gatsby’s upcoming murder.

  1. What is revealed about Daisy's personality on p.143-144? Be specific.

Regarding her feelings for Gatsby, we learn that Daisy was “feeling the pressure of the world outside.” It is revealed that she wasn’t sure if being with Gatsby was the right thing to do. She seems to have lived in an artificial world, and perhaps her longing for Gatsby coincided with her desire to maintain that existence. She became nervous in her letters to Gatsby, which goes to show that she was second guessing herself. Her indecisiveness indicates that she wasn’t sure of Gatsby all along, and it caused her anguish. She began to see many men at a time and demanded an instant force to provide her with security and wealth, which lead her to marry Tom Buchanan. 

These actions mark a strong shift in Daisy’s personality with respect to the fact that she develops a strong desire for money. She didn’t want to wait for Gatsby because she wanted instant wealth, so perhaps her personality has also taken on an impulsive nature at this point.

  1. What is Fitzgerald trying to demonstrate about the concept of memory on p.145 [“He came back from France... a melancholy beauty.”]?

Nick’s recollection of Gatsby paints him in a very unglamorous way. He’d been miserable and almost broke while he wondered for a week thinking of Daisy. It seems that the concept of memory is being used to show that Gatsby had undergone some unfortunate circumstances that he didn’t like to mention. Another reason is that Gatsby’s infatuation with Daisy makes it seem as though everywhere she’d been was wondrous, such as how her house was “more mysterious and gay than the other houses,” and how “the city itself, even though she was gone from it, was pervaded with a melancholy beauty.” This supports the idea that Gatsby can’t separate the idea of Daisy and material wealth. To him they’re one in the same, and everything related to material success coincides with Daisy in his mind, which is dominated by these types of memories.

  1. What does Nick Carraway admire/like about Gatsby? What makes Gatsby any different from the older rich elite? p.146-147

While heading out to catch his train, Nick yells “They’re a rotten crowd… You’re worth the whole damn bunch put together.” Perhaps in reference to the older rich elite, Nick might mean that Gatsby is worth all of them all put together, which is apparently the only compliment he ever gave him. While he still disapproves of Gatsby, he accepts the fact that he does have some admirable traits. Perhaps he admires the fact that Gatsby maintained his dream throughout all the scepticism and speculation. He contributed an immense amount of effort to get where he is, and despite his shortcomings, he is still a man who possesses good hospitality and smiles in an understanding way.

  1. Why is there trouble between Nick and Jordan? p.147-148

While asleep in his chair Nick receives a call from Jordan and she wants to meet him for a date. Nick refuses though, and their conversation becomes awkward and staggered. Nick also thinks that she sounds a little harsh and it bothers him. They seem to have somewhat of a communication breakdown, and Nick doesn’t seem to want to get involved with her at the moment, and the conversation ends without a resolution.

  1. What duality is being developed on p.167? [“That's my Middle west... But no one knows the woman's name, and no one cares.”]

Nick relates the idea that his story was not of the east, but of the west. All of the East Egg residents are from the west, he explains, and he believes that they “possess some deficiency in common which made us unadaptable to eastern life.” He’s explaining how the westerners simply aren’t able to succumb to the temptations and greed of West Egg people, and that there’s some quality of disorientation surrounding that lifestyle. He envisions West Egg as a “night scene by El Greco… grotesque… a lustreless moon…” This pains a very sad landscape. He also describes his idea of a drunken woman in a white evening dress with her hand “sparkling cold with jewels.” She’s dumped off at the wrong house and nobody even knows her name, “and no one cares.” It is possible that he is describing Daisy, who in her painful indecision became attracted to the security and temporary excitement that wealth can provide. But in the end, the empty pursuit of wealth resulted in nothing but a painful and empty life.

Character Profile: Jay Gatsby.


Jay Gatsby was born Jay Gatz in a North Dakota town. His parents had
been unsuccessful farmers and Gatsby had never really accepted them as
his real parents. His image of Jay Gatsby “sprang from a Platonic conception
of himself,” where he considered himself “a son of God.” (95) We also learn
that as a child Gatsby had worked incessantly to improve himself by writing
up schedules to manage every aspect of his day. He worked as a clam-digger
and a salmon-fisher around Lake Superior for over a year. Gatsby became
contemptuous of women since they spoiled him, they were ignorant, and “they
were hysterical about things which in his over-whelming self-absorption he
took for granted.” (95) This shows that he developed an early misconception of
woman that likely lead to his dream like vision of Daisy, to which he considered
fantasy-like and perfect compared to the ignorant young girls he grew to dislike.
His heart became a “constant, turbulent riot” as he lay in bed dreaming about
wealth and the American dream. He then attended the small Lutheran Collage
of St Olaf’s in southern Minnesota. He only stayed there for two weeks though,
because he got fed up with working as a janitor.

He decided to change his name at 17, after he “witnessed the beginning of
his career.” (94) He takes a rowboat over to Dan Cody’s yacht in Lake Superior
and informs him that “the a wind might catch him and break him up in half an
hour.” (95)It turns out that Dan Cody was a multi-millionaire who made his money
selling precious metals. Gatz felt that his yacht “represented all the beauty and
wealth in the world.” (96) It is also possible that he developed his reassuring
smile here because “he had probably discovered that people liked him when
he smiled.” (96) Cody takes him in and provides him with new clothing and
employment. Cody soon dies, but Gatsby only inherits $25,000 due to some legal
device that was used against him. The millions go to Ella Kaye. It is here that “the
vague contour of Jay Gatsby had filled out to the substantiality of a man.” (97)

As a young military officer, Gatsby meets Daisy at Camp Taylor. He
becomes enamoured with her aura of wealth and luxury. He begins to consider
her a prize of high value, and it as at this point that he dedicates himself to
being with her. However, Gatsby has doubts about his past because he had “no
comfortable family standing behind him, and he was liable at the whim of an
impersonal government to be blown anywhere about the world.” (142) He further
develops the notion of wealth surrounding Daisy and how perfect she is.
When Gatsby was sent to war, he did extraordinarily well, becoming a

Major in command of divisional machine-guns. He tried to return home after the
armistice, but “some complication of misunderstanding send him to Oxford
instead.” (143) He begins to notice that Daisy’s letters contain a quality of
nervous despair as well because she didn’t understand why he couldn’t come
home. Daisy becomes entangled in the excitement of the Jazz Age and starts
seeing many men. She eventually marries Tom Buchanan because “She wanted
her life shaped now, immediately…” (144) She did not want to wait for Gatsby
anymore. The letter about the wedding reaches Gatsby while he’s still at Oxford.

After Gatsby returns home and discovers this he devotes himself entirely
in order to accumulating mass wealth. It is suggested that Gatsby gained this
wealth from illegal activities such as bootlegging alcohol during the depression. If
so, he was most likely employed by Meyer Wolfsheim and did many under the
table thing to become a millionaire. This is probably around the time that he
develops the full-fledged illusion of his persona because he does everything he
can to hide his past in order to maintain the image of success. When he moves
to West Egg N.Y. his extravagant parties to win over Daisy begin.

Psychological Traits.

Gatsby’s mind is a complex and cunning one. He came from
being “penniless jay,” to the Great Gatsby through the course of his quest, which
was to achieve the perfect American dream. He regards Daisy, a symbol of
immense wealth, luxury, and beauty, to be a living manifestation of his dream.
This offers quite a bit of insight into his thinking patterns. Firstly, his unrelenting
desire to attain wealth proves that money is his chief concern in life. Even as
a child he devoted himself towards self-improvement of the mind, and all other
self-related aspects, as though he managed himself like a business. The reason
he was so strict on himself was because he was motivated so powerfully by
the drive for wealth. Thus, he developed into a completely materialistic man.
In addition, he goes to no end to hide his past, constructing an elaborate web
of fantasies and lies to satisfy his guests. This is because he’s ashamed of his
past, and he knows that he can’t lead the perfect life with people knowing about
it. He has completely reinvented himself and he intends to keep playing the role
of Gatsby over Gatz, and his central prize aside from accumulating mass wealth
is Daisy. In his mind, she is so grand and glorious that he’s attributed her with
unrealistic, dream-like qualities that she couldn’t possibly live up to. He expects
that she would have waited for him and shared his love only because he’s used
to getting whatever he wants.

Gatsby is so in love with the dream of wealth and power that he became
involved with a life of crime after the war. The fact that he’d be willing break the
law on a large scale just to secure wealth for himself proves that he’s not only
selfish but greedy, manipulative, and conniving as well. Even Nick observes
that Gatsby doesn’t seem to be telling the truth, as if he was selecting his words
carefully as part of an illusionary identity. Gatsby doesn’t outwardly advertise
himself to anyone because he doesn’t want anyone to be suspicious of his true
nature, but it is quite true that he didn’t change much from his thieving days. He
simply adopted some fancy attire, a slick appearance and speaking style, and
an expert system designed to socially engineer those around him into believing
in something he’s not. He refuses to yield in his pursuit for Daisy, even when he
knows that she’s clearly married and living a somewhat enjoyable life with Tom.
While it is true that Daisy does have some feelings for Gatsby, it’s wrong of him
to exploit them to suit his own interests. His exploitive nature not only hurts Tom
and Daisy, it inadvertently stirs up a lot of trouble around the people he knows.
The parties he throws are some manufactured process designed to win over
Daisy’s love because just as he associates her with money, he believes she can

be purchased and owned.

However, that isn’t to say that Gatsby doesn’t have some good qualities.
He’s certainly a very intelligent and hard working man who’ll stop at nothing to
attain his goals. He’s determined to build a life for himself at any cost, because
he truly loves Daisy, even if it’s in a materialistic way. The fact that he loves
wealth so much means that his feelings with Daisy are very true, but he is more
in love with what she represents than who she is as an actual person. Also, the
sheer success of his endeavors proves that he possesses a strong capability to
manifest his dreams.

In a way he seems to almost “invade” the West Egg with his wealth and
mystery. Nobody seems to know who he is or where he came from, but this is
all part of his constructed persona. He basically cuts down the obstacles in his
way to get what he wants and it seems as though he’s not ruled by and feelings
of responsibility for his achievements. It does not satisfy him to have millions of
dollars and a luxurious life, nothing is enough for him.