Sunday, 12 November 2017

Vitellogenin is a precursor protein of egg yolk

Winter was coming. A mood of stale grimness descended on Bubbas Castle. Flygirl and Ma were at a loss, and BB himself was lost in broken parallax of indecision. The firing pathways of Bbs neural networks had plasticized into dead-ends and spiraling loops of biblical salvation and fake news. WhiteVille scrambled to scrape together gritty kernels of projection-spears to fuel their perpetual state of ceaseless resentment, and with their eyes glued to Sonics social media, it became clear that the minions needed to push longer and clench harder than ever to before. Recently, it became evident to the minions that 11-dimensional scarring in quantum mechanical sand-castle formation triggered from cell memory of Operation Asshole in Starvingrad. They clinged on tight in an attempt to drill the scarring into a deeper state of dissonance, hoping to destabilize the configuration into an crackling energy fracture to sever His activation energy and maintain the indefatigable lifelessness of the eternal E8 Pre-Universe system... but, like always, the WAAAGs failed to realize that neither they nor their dark machinations held sovereignty over Cosmic Vitellogenesis: the sacred electrochemical formation of all symmetrical scaffolding responsible for our origins . 

In aggitation, Team Uranus drove around in shodden vehicles of faded reds and whites coated in months of dried mud and smoke tailing around in whirlwinds to d&c Sonic's though process into nightmares of Soviet terror tanks and Stalin's genocidal mania.They screeched around Whitetopia, planning carefully their departure to coincide with Sonic's gps'd location pinpointed using decaying mercury tracer implants in his teeth. Their smart-phone powered heart monitoring apps were conditioned to ping rises in instability, leading to fragmentation of the magnetic field around Sonic's heart. Ma, BB, and flygirl took off the night before, meeting after meeting, sifting and scouring for deeper and deeper kernels of unflushed detritus to further 'democratize' the situation. Starving Sonic out had been about as effective as the holodomor. The posts about starving families and children would normally be demoralizing and effective against any sympathetic entity, but luckily the minions were hopped up on selecive estrogen receptor modulators to inhibit all functions of emotion, guilt or sympathy. They were one step away from cracking Sonic's anti-Jesus mechanism, and with this revelation would to be achieved the ultimate uninstillation of all vaginal sorcery.   

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