Big bubba has awoken. He natters and
annoys upstairs in the kitchen, clanging together plates and cups,
lids and silverware. He is trying to trigger me. Bubba knows all my
triggers and realized that by activating my triggers, he's pinging
sore spots in my heart to activate my annoyance engine. These
annoyance triggeres are artificially programmed to justify the wrong
ideas of M-Theory, because they recreate the conditions necessary to
act out that scene in blade runner in the rain. Adherence to this
final scene in blade runner is necessary to prove M-Theory, and all
of this rests on my shoulders. The closer we can act out this blade
runner scene, the more likely it is that the theory is true. Hence,
the annoyances must be a consistent barrage like water. The Art of
War says that, so bubba must copy it to the letter to ensure that
enough annoyances of a watery nature reach my ears and trigger my
heart into M-Theory justification scenarios. It plays out like this
on a daily basis. Bubba believes that by making grunting noises, he's
indicating to me that higgs mechanism is a waste procedure, and his
grunting simulates fecal discharge. If bubba does this enough times,
and makes these sphinctoral expulsion noises with enough frequency,
it will eventually break down my Jesus Christ aversion shield, and I
will at once realize the heresy of my ways and lead You back home to
mars (where jesus was actually born) and you will find compressed
Raptor Jesus matter under the martian surface to use as M-Theory
gasoline fuel for a solar Empire that will stretch eventually to the
entire galaxy, and we will build a trillion-ton dyson negation sphere
around every mass congregation of dark matter to block the effects of
steel rain, and you will live forever using gene splices of raptor
jesus matter recombination after mars has been fully colonized and
lived in for at least 500 years. Then, using the power of M-Theory,
you will build new marses all over the solar system, and earth will
even get replaced by a Mars planet. Then you will build mass
civilizations to test M-Theory flaws and whenever you find a flaw you
will nuke it from orbit and start all over again, forever until the
universe expands into heat death and you can live in a hot sea-bath
of quark-gluon plasma for eternity (on mars).
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