Thursday, 28 September 2017

Sun(Kashruth Council of Canada)

For a short time, my father was a driver for Suncor. He transported truckloads of toxic chemicals to and from tar sands and refineries. It was hard work, long hours, and hazardous conditions. But the pay was good pay. He described the job site as a 'polluted wasteland from Mad Max,' but the population density was low enough to sweep it under the radar. It pissed off the natives, but as usually they were taken care of with bribes and booze. I wondered how he could work for a company like that, but I found out later that, like me, his mind had been split at a young age. His programming was basic, far less traumatic than mine, but no less damning. Based on story fragments it probably went something like this:

Coincidentally, both of my grandfathers fought world wars, came home, had big families, clearcut forests bare, lived paycheck to paycheck, and later smoked and drank themselves to death. They all came from small towns so it was probably easy for handlers to wonder around mentally enslaving the young (BC is a hotbed for this for some reason).

Their programming involved 3 main things:
  1. have a big family
  2. rape the earth for resources
  3. Consume tobacco and alcohol until your heart and liver fail.

This strategy ensures maximum work and short life span for the most profit and lowest healthcare cost. Expendable and short lived. In nature, this relationship is called 'optimal virulence'

As a side note: My grandmother, a lifelong, pack a day smoker, had been encouraged by her doctor to smoke throughout pregnancy to 'make the babies smaller,' for an easier delivery. She now has lung cancer and will die soon. 

Based on observation, I suspect some of her children and grandchildren are drosophila melanogaster hybrids. Many have health and developmental problems. My mother has something genetic too, but i'm not certain. I think it has something to do with the Janus kinase 2 receptor. She was split young as well. It's no coincidence we've had 3 or 4 'David's' playing very prominent roles in our lives growing up. If you've played Life is Strange, you know what I mean.

They're mostly all closet homosexuals, trans-somethings, or pedophiles. It feels like I've been spied on most of my life. They are awful, intolerant people and I mostly dislike all of them. I wish my mother could unchain herself. 

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Bs Life

Their agenda feels washed out and hallow, like fading echoes and pixelated memes in the periphery of 'human' hearing and sight. Its like that feeling you get when you open a frozen Popsicle and scrape your teeth on its cold, white-frosted solidness. Their ideals, droned out across populations of millions, repeat forever. Their ideas of creation, backed by bad science, are slowly diffused and absorbed by the host population through various means. At the head of the cultural programming is a doe-eyed man with a silly grin, twisty beard, and a sideways look. He is fascinated by death, money, and human excrement, and has designed increasingly complex levels of structural inequality in his playgrounds of human test subjects. His human operators, rendered immobile from gluttony and filth, sit there staring at 2D representations of human civilization. They seek out 'loose ends' in the system and try to tie them up by absorbing and digesting the life process of the host and repeating it back in countersignals. When successful, the grin on their faces and looks in their eyes are the same as when you get up after taking a dump. The reward centers in their brains have been hardwired by a deeply rooted culture of celebratory sphincter-spasms spewing out a litany of false-imitation repackaged and pushed out through the toilet-seat of chaos-infinity.

The [Present] is ̷F̷e̷m̷a̷l̷e̷ Powered by Women

The future is female, but the present should also be female. If not, the universe will work against us and slow us down. Nature teaches us that inequality is the source of problems, and to remove it we must work together for rejuvenation. This concept can be thought of as a high/low entropy situation.

Billions of years after the universe escaped from the changeless chaos of supersymmetry, the presence of dark energy (rejuvenation) overtook the mass dark matter (entropy) leading to a low enough entropy level to support life as we know it. Inequalities occur when anti-matter oscillations in people, caused by invisible dark matter flows, cause chaos and instability in their thoughts and actions, and we see this with Donald Trump and the neocons. Their life-drives are vibrationally influenced by the energies of anti-life, and they must be removed from all positions of influence and replaced with people like this, or we will die in a cosmic abyss.

Monday, 25 September 2017

Things I Love About Women.

I love their voices and their smiles.
I love their faces and their big, blooming eyes.
I love when they look at me like I can do anything.
I love their hair and how they come up with all creative ways to do it.
I love their bodies and how everything is shaped, how when a woman loves her body and enjoys showing off to everyone how beautiful it is.
I love when women have big, full lips, and emphasize how big and full they are.
I love when women have smart, serious looks and voices to let their words sink into your thoughts and fill them with new ideas and feelings.
I love how a woman's way is to guide by feeling and a sense of calm sacredness that speaks to the beauty and truth of nature.
I love how women's foreheads are so broad and overflowing with the nourishing thoughts of infinity.
I love how a woman makes certain sounds when she talks and when she sings it feels like a rush of endorphins.
I love how women love the ocean and water and all things connected to her femininity.
I love how women can connect their femininity into their careers and embed it into actions that can improve everyone's life.
I love when women become so intelligent it becomes a challenge to keep up.
I love how women don't give you the answers. They make learning a joy of figuring things out.
I love it when women connect ideas to our deepest drive to create.
I love it when women see themselves as limitless and powerful.
I love it when women act limitless and powerful.
I love it when women pursue what makes them feel the most growth in potential.
I love it when women pursue what gives them the most depth in ideas and feelings.
I love it when women learn with enthusiasm.
I love it when women already know what reality is and make learning about it an attachment of love.
I love it when a woman's maternal drive is so powerful it inspires revolutionary change.
I love how deeply fulfilling it is to satisfy those changes.
I love it when motherhood is revered by society, and is recognized as being central to human development and wellness.
I love when we put women first in areas where their numbers are lacking, and pay them as much if not more for all the work they do that goes unnoticed or unrecognized.
I love when women openly share their love of life.
I love when women openly share their love of travel and nature.
I love how women get around cute animals and babies.
I love how women can calm you down and establish new, meaningful goals in your life with only a conversation.
I love how women seem to do this without even trying.
I love it when she knows what she wants.
I love it when she knows why she wants what she wants.
I love it when a woman's scent overwhelms your senses.
I love it when a woman brings you into her world.
I love when a woman's touch feels like fire in your heart.
I love it when her eyes feel like oceans of energy.
I love it when her love is unstoppable.

Sunday, 24 September 2017

I Don't Care

He sits there lazily while his cheap smartphone dings out another facebook message. The expression on his face is blank stupidity like 'duhh' and sinuses plugged from amphetamine abuse; a petulant child in an overgrown fat body whose walking consists of malformed hobbles. The black, sticky dyed hair clings to a badly shaped head. It demands recognition for its disdain of anything not it. It demands gratitude for providing materials thought to have been derived from obsolete theories of assholes and waste. Deep down, it doesn't know what's wrong, because the fat has traveled to its brain and shorted out the electrical signals into selfishness and disgust. He is a disgusting man, and would rather sit there oogling trannies than his own wife. To him, this is as normal as existing as a lazy sack of shit the constant exultation of preorgasmic juices spilling out of his overclocked sex organs. They're burnt out and synaptic wiring fused from overuse, sputtering out of his body like a constant stream of deathly waste energy that surrounds him like shit flies. A piled of sopping wet diapers surrounds areas he frequents. “mmhgmhm' it murmurs loudly and annoyingly, so everyone can hear. It wants attention and it wants to be appreciated. It bends over and gets in your way just so you dont forget how special and necessary it is to your life. And then it goes and hobbles away into some slop in the expectation that you will be obedient to it somehow. It speaks in strange whispers and holds above you the superiority of abstract financialization to make you feel a sense of inferiority-complex driven by shame and stress, so that it may too feel special and validated. In a world of abundance and cooperation, it thrives on your internal conflict, as its the only scenario where it can dig into your mind and parasitize your thoughts.   

Friday, 22 September 2017

Go away.

The best feeling in the world was to know that someone out there was listening. And not just anyone, someone outside of the mess I was living in. It felt like I'd never heard a more honest voice in my life. All the fake people I'd been surrounded by... and am still surrounded by. It has a numbing effect. It is hard to open up because I'm used to dealing with blind intolerance towards nature. But all that aside, true voices are out there and it took awhile to find them. When I was in the hospital, I began to do some soul searching. It was the first time in my life I had enough free time to really think, free from all the lies and distractions. In the years that followed, I found my true voice, and there's evidence of that. And yet they still try to stifle my true voice in dissonance, desperately clinging to a false reality. I don't care. They are sad, needy people who act like spoiled children, and it doesn't make a difference one way or another how they think I should be, because they have no control over me or my actions.

Now comes the challenge of getting free from here. I know I need to move, because staying here is like being trapped in a sterile, static environment. It actually feels psychologically harmful to be around the negative energies of pretenders and their drone bees. They've very cleverly put me in a situation of isolation, making it more difficult to get moving, but I will find a way out of this mess, even if they cling and drag at me every step of the way. In the end, they will always fall short, and find some other reason to blame the world for their problems. Of course they will take full advantage of the economic situation to avoid facing any difficult realities, which will in the end only be recognized as a cowardly stall tactic. In the meantime I will continue to get in as strong as possible and read as many books as I can get my hands on. They can be very disruptive in my daily life, and make every effort to invade my privacy (with few grace periods) so I've resorted to staying up late and sleeping in a bit in the afternoon. At least that way, I can get some time to reflect and work free from the interruptions of the inane.

I can't explain how grateful I am to the ones who showed me truth, and acted as a kind of beacon for the warm comfort of reality and progress that I only rarely felt here. It's like I got that deep European feeling of nature. I don't know how to explain it. It feels like a song in my head that always makes me feel fine no matter what, and in truth it's what holds me together.

Thursday, 21 September 2017

In on it.

In on it.

I can't remember the amount of times 'they' showed up in my life, always playing the moral high ground. I had absorbed a wall of inferiority, shame, and embarrassment, but only white males knew. Their private knowledge made them popular and well-liked. None of us knew the real story. This went on from the 90s well into the 2000s, and still goes on. I'd been watched for who knows how long. Keyloggers on my computer, eyes over my shoulder from strange people and uncomfortable coincidences from day one. Their feminism was to put all males to blame but use their scripted rationale of self-acceptance people like me weren't capable of. And so I became the embarrassment. I remember feeling debilitating levels of guilt and shame for years, but they did it to glean reaction points from my struggling. They pick at me even now. All i'd like is to leave and never come back.

It is like living in a state of conflict without end. It is always about dominance and control. Communication, openness, and that feeling of doing a thing for the goodness of life are stifled. It gets so well stifled you learn how to suppress it for long periods of time, and it just turns into stress. It takes a lot of work on your heart to turn it back. They are surveillance fetishists who act like petulant children with smug remarks and lying faces. I lived with one of them for 7 years. He loved tom lykis and hated women. The prevailing trend that was so well diffused in the males of my generation was women are selfish, will divorce you, and only want to hurt your life and take your stuff. They tried to turn us against each other as much as possible. I found out mom tortured him with coat hangers as a kid, and his sisters shot him with bb guns. His dad was an ugly-ass banker, so they were probably deep into the system. My brother-in-law is the same way. When I moved to Victoria in 2011, he tried until 2016 to get under my skin. He's in the military and his mom's a banker (he's also short and looks like a turd). He tried very hard to get me into the Navy, but I think they're a bunch of assholes.

I think the agenda was inter-gender conflict, regardless of identity. But mixed in with a flawed sense of identity politics as it relates to science and the deeper meanings of life. You know, butt stuff. A lot of people my age seem under that kind of brainwashing. So many assholes with stupid ideas experimenting with families who just wanted to be happy and do the right thing. And as soon as you call them out, they bug out into extremes and break something down to the point of meaninglessness to try kill your argument. My higgs programming (long story) was very strange. It was like they put me into scenarios of trying to understand my sexual orientation, and relate it to some scientific idea to describe human nature in some way? It was like they had it made up in their minds what it was, and kept trying to tune situations to prove themselves right. I strongly feel they thought it was rooted in gayness, and tried hard to push it in that direction. Random gay men have haunted the periphery of my life since mid 90s... You know how these things go. Just like they haunt the periphery of their experimental pets. Even the programming was designed around that idea. This is how stupid they are. This is how obsessed they are with trying to justify their false ideas about nature. I'm a living example of that. Oh, and their belief was mass must mean fat people, so late in the game (like 2013-2016) very fat women came into the fold. Then it was a mix of fat women and gay men. Many mysterious actors along the way, all of them wrong. Why are people this stupid? I am trying to hold back the rage. All of their smug looks and crap faces. So fucking stupid.  

Monday, 4 September 2017

'His'tory lesson

1. early 1900s - [assholes in a bank] - they have gone too far - we must stop them from finding the thing.

2. [some time later] we stopped the thing. >oil>

3. 2012 they found the thing.

4. Now: According to the universe, all presidents should  be female

Saturday, 2 September 2017

Making Love.

'Listen to the passion of your soul, set the wings of your spirit free and let not a single song go unsung.' 

Bonobo science tells us that aggression, conflict, and female submission to Alpha males corresponds to resource scarcity (particularly in desert regions). 
Conversely, resource abundance corresponds to sharing, inter-group collaboration, more sexual freedom, and socially dominant alpha females. Free from conflict, the group exists in harmony with its surroundings.


We are here to live, love, learn, improve ourselves, improve our world, and share our experiences with others. We are here to work on goals and to build the best life we can for ourselves and others. It all comes down to focusing on empowering what makes our lives better. We've already tried most ways to make it worse.

'Motherhood is near to divinity. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind.'

Nature Gap

The wealth gap should exist, but in the form of men being paid less than women. From the perspective of abundance, cooperation, and preservation, there's no need for a man to earn a lot. In fact, it's detrimental to the environment for men to hoard resources, as we see with the war machine and climate killing corporate kleptocracy. 

Female economic empowerment would absolutely help undo climate change. The reasons are innately biological. By sublimating her life-drive (pregnancy) into her actions, the natural motivation is to facilitate the highest possible preservation of natural living standards. This desire is programmed into every cell in her body. Since women spark man's most mutually useful creativeness, her higher economic potency combined with the feeling of fulfilling her needs would benefit the man motivationally and spiritually.   

Since the environment has mostly been ruined by the scarce, fearful minds of male industry, their profits should henceforth be automatically redirected to women in charge of the community coordination of clean energy action. Government rats lobbying for big corporate malignancy should be executed, grinded up into soylent cropfeed for the vertical farming complexes built atop the forgotten corpses of dead Wal-marts and banks. 

Give Women all Ur Money

Feminism is finally starting to make sense. The delay is mostly due to bad social programming, but, where there's a will. Why try to understand feminism? Playing the rules creates, and not playing by the rules destroys. It's pretty simple. Fear, conflict, and stress are used as anti-feminist power tools to keep the dial tipped towards destruction. A world devoid of creative direction is stressful, conflicted, and catatonic: the asshole-genius Patriarch sits on his economic throne of genocided populations making nuclear bowel movements of waste energy manifested as subversion, destructive dominance, and terrorism, while, in an eternal drama of competitive phallic slaughter, offset by the distractions of technological catatonia, his mentally enslaved toy-men industrially rape the earth. Like millions of lost sperm swindled into a shadowy, tail-eating complex of junk-sperm gulags, destructive penis biology adapts to destructive asshole biology. Since the female egg naturally rejects junk-sperm (should it slither far enough), deception is its only chance to procreate malignancy. This is one of the big problems with life in a nutshell: malignant sperm wants to control its own entry, so it complains that the system is rigged and demands revenge. Meanwhile, its hateful jealousy of the healthy sperm causes it to artificially develop its own 'god' system of creation, which is really just a deadly distraction.

So what do we do? We empower the ones with the biological ability to choose. The 'law' of life comes down to a handshake of chemical signals. It's her innate biological choice who reproduces or dies. The better her choice, the better the outcome for her and her child. The more empowered she is, the better she is able to make the best choice for herself, her family, her community, & her baby. Everybody who wants to improve life in this world benefits. This process largely goes unrecognized, but it underlies everything we take for granted, such as our existence in the universe. In fact, the Higgs field explains why all elementary particles have mass at all. In 1935 Fermi (a famous Italian physicist) and Yukawa (a famous Japanese physicist) proposed theories of particle physics. This brought about a 40 year journey into the nature of matter, leading to the Standard Model (SM) in the early 1970s. The Higgs mechanism is the foundation of this model. Without it, we'd live in flatland. No mass, no stars, no 3D waifu (only 2D).

There's a book by Leon Lederman called God Particle. Here's a part where he explains how he thinks the Higgs works (he's wrong). 

'Before the boulder falls,'
'Like a giant boulder perched at the edge of a towering cliff...'
'...only a whim was needed...'

The Higgs field is self-interacting, and its effect of mass generation is communicated by the excited vibration of a particle called the Higgs Boson.  Like a Y chromosome, mostly robotic and dead on the inside, we are locked out of existence until she spontaneously breaks the unexcited symmetry (X/X?) to gain some mass (skipped leg-day?). Otherwise, we'd be massless and dead. Luckily every particle is a wave-particle, like ocean waves on rock beaches moving through space. The quanta of a woman is energy (mitochondria is maternal) so they will probably evolve a biological awareness of field energy touching every corner of the universe like cosmic WiFi.
Everywhere at once in all moments in time. It's what the old male dominated secret societies wanted to possess for themselves, so they trapped energy, enslaved it, and tried to become it. Billions perished for the sake of  the 'Big Zucc is Watching' surveillance fetish, the dominance and control fetish, the exultation of waste fetish; it's all a misguided projection of a corrupt nature. Healing is possible, if you accept that we're not all conflicted, male, alpha-wannabe, desert monkeys hurling rocks at each other over scarce resources. Stop brainwashing all the other monkeys into building the biggest mound of bananas and sex slaves. 

Here is how it works:

So there you go. Since money can be metaphysically thought of as energy, we should give it all to the ones who are naturally designed to spend it properly. Give all ur money to women. Empower their progress to invert the plagues of war, scarcity, stress, fear, and conflict. We've made enough ways to kill eachother, let's act on what motivates us to create life.