Saturday, 2 September 2017

Give Women all Ur Money

Feminism is finally starting to make sense. The delay is mostly due to bad social programming, but, where there's a will. Why try to understand feminism? Playing the rules creates, and not playing by the rules destroys. It's pretty simple. Fear, conflict, and stress are used as anti-feminist power tools to keep the dial tipped towards destruction. A world devoid of creative direction is stressful, conflicted, and catatonic: the asshole-genius Patriarch sits on his economic throne of genocided populations making nuclear bowel movements of waste energy manifested as subversion, destructive dominance, and terrorism, while, in an eternal drama of competitive phallic slaughter, offset by the distractions of technological catatonia, his mentally enslaved toy-men industrially rape the earth. Like millions of lost sperm swindled into a shadowy, tail-eating complex of junk-sperm gulags, destructive penis biology adapts to destructive asshole biology. Since the female egg naturally rejects junk-sperm (should it slither far enough), deception is its only chance to procreate malignancy. This is one of the big problems with life in a nutshell: malignant sperm wants to control its own entry, so it complains that the system is rigged and demands revenge. Meanwhile, its hateful jealousy of the healthy sperm causes it to artificially develop its own 'god' system of creation, which is really just a deadly distraction.

So what do we do? We empower the ones with the biological ability to choose. The 'law' of life comes down to a handshake of chemical signals. It's her innate biological choice who reproduces or dies. The better her choice, the better the outcome for her and her child. The more empowered she is, the better she is able to make the best choice for herself, her family, her community, & her baby. Everybody who wants to improve life in this world benefits. This process largely goes unrecognized, but it underlies everything we take for granted, such as our existence in the universe. In fact, the Higgs field explains why all elementary particles have mass at all. In 1935 Fermi (a famous Italian physicist) and Yukawa (a famous Japanese physicist) proposed theories of particle physics. This brought about a 40 year journey into the nature of matter, leading to the Standard Model (SM) in the early 1970s. The Higgs mechanism is the foundation of this model. Without it, we'd live in flatland. No mass, no stars, no 3D waifu (only 2D).

There's a book by Leon Lederman called God Particle. Here's a part where he explains how he thinks the Higgs works (he's wrong). 

'Before the boulder falls,'
'Like a giant boulder perched at the edge of a towering cliff...'
'...only a whim was needed...'

The Higgs field is self-interacting, and its effect of mass generation is communicated by the excited vibration of a particle called the Higgs Boson.  Like a Y chromosome, mostly robotic and dead on the inside, we are locked out of existence until she spontaneously breaks the unexcited symmetry (X/X?) to gain some mass (skipped leg-day?). Otherwise, we'd be massless and dead. Luckily every particle is a wave-particle, like ocean waves on rock beaches moving through space. The quanta of a woman is energy (mitochondria is maternal) so they will probably evolve a biological awareness of field energy touching every corner of the universe like cosmic WiFi.
Everywhere at once in all moments in time. It's what the old male dominated secret societies wanted to possess for themselves, so they trapped energy, enslaved it, and tried to become it. Billions perished for the sake of  the 'Big Zucc is Watching' surveillance fetish, the dominance and control fetish, the exultation of waste fetish; it's all a misguided projection of a corrupt nature. Healing is possible, if you accept that we're not all conflicted, male, alpha-wannabe, desert monkeys hurling rocks at each other over scarce resources. Stop brainwashing all the other monkeys into building the biggest mound of bananas and sex slaves. 

Here is how it works:

So there you go. Since money can be metaphysically thought of as energy, we should give it all to the ones who are naturally designed to spend it properly. Give all ur money to women. Empower their progress to invert the plagues of war, scarcity, stress, fear, and conflict. We've made enough ways to kill eachother, let's act on what motivates us to create life.

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